Weâve all been there: the endless struggle of getting content from clients. At best, itâs a constant back-and-forth of emails. At worst, youâre handed scanned documents with low-resolution images, one email at a time đą
Once youâre working in the content management system, things usually go a lot smoother. Thereâs a single source of truth, you can easily validate content and everything is neatly grouped into pages. Itâs great. But it comes too late!
The content-first approach
I donât think I need to convince anyone that the ideal project should start with content, followed by content-driven design. Only this way, design decisions are based on actual content rather than placeholder text, and technical solutions are working with real content.
But after spending what felt like half of last year managing, structuring, fixing, and (mostly) waiting for content, I realized something needed to change.
Content management with a content management system
I tried all kinds of tools and services to help me with this process, but none of them felt right. Not flexible enough, too complicated for clients, what are they doing with my data, âŚ
Iâm not a stranger to using my favorite CMS for all kinds of weird stuff. But this time itâs actually quite the no-brainer. Whatâs a good system for managing content? A content management system!
With Kirby 5 around the corner, I saw some promising features that could help me with this project. It was also a good excuse to test the beta. After using it for the first few projects I want to share it with you. Maybe it helps you get started with something similar?
Clients and partners can collaborate on the content in a simple Kirby installation with folders (in infinite levels) and files. They can use the folders for pages or literally as folders for grouping content. This is very close to Kirbyâs file-based nature where pages are folders, too.
This is how a page looks like in this sample project:
On every level, admins can optionally put text in an info field, letting others know about whatâs needed, the current status, milestones, links or just saying âHello!â. If the field is empty, it doesnât show up in the client view.
For each file, I added a textarea called âFile informationâ. So far, that seems to be enough on a file level:
How it works
Editable info fields
I added fields on all projects and pages that only admins can edit. For clients they look like info fields.
My first idea was disabling the fields but I quickly realized this has two major disadvantages: it looks disabled (duh) and links are not clickable. I want to format the text and I want to be able to link to the design file for example. Itâs also cool how the email button is the same color as the info field, suggesting itâs the same person (me, mostly).
Thatâs why I went for a programmatic blueprint section:
'blueprints' => [
'sections/status' => function () {
// Initialize base section structure
$section = [
'type' => 'fields',
'fields' => []
// Admin users get a textarea and an email field
if (kirby()->user()->role()->name() === 'admin') {
$section['fields'] = [
'info' => [
'type' => 'textarea',
'email' => [
'label' => '{{ t("email") }}',
'type' => 'email'
// Non-admin users only see an info field
else {
$section['fields']['info'] = [
'type' => 'info',
'text' => '{< model.info.kt >}'
return $section;
This is surprisingly clean and so far it worked really well for communication. In the future I might want to allow different themes but for now Iâm very happy with the default info
Panel view buttons (Kirby 5)
One of the coolest new features in Kirby 5 came just in time (technically not, but the beta is quite stable): Panel view buttons.
This is how the buttons configuration looks in the blueprint for projects:
# site/blueprints/project.yml
icon: email
text: '{{ t("email") }}'
link: 'mailto:{{ page.email }}'
theme: info
It removes the default preview, settings and status buttons and replaces them with an email button.
In the folder blueprint I set a custom status and only show that button:
# site/blueprints/folder.yml
label: In progress
label: Content ready
- status
Making sure clients can only see their own projects
Since all of this happens in a single installation, I need some way of restricting users to specific projects. Luckily thatâs very easy in Kirby.
In the project model I overwrite the isReadable()
use Kirby\Cms\Page;
class ProjectPage extends Page
public function isReadable(): bool
if (!$this->kirby()->user()->isAdmin()) {
$allowedProjects = kirby()->user()->projects()->toPages();
return $allowedProjects->has($this->id());
return true;
In the client role I added a projects
pages field:
title: Client
# Redirect to first project after login
home: "{{ user.projects.toPages.first.panel.url }}"
# Hide all other views from clients
users: false
system: false
languages: false
update: false
# Projects field
type: pages
subpages: false
With this in place, clients can only see the projects I want them to see in the dashboard:
Frontend redirects
Frontend requests are redirected to the panel with a simple route. This way I can also send short links to subpages. For example /my-project/about/company
will get redirected to /panel/pages/my-project+about+company
'routes' => [
'pattern' => '(:all)',
'action' => function ( $path) {
$page = page($path);
if ($page) go($page->panel()->url());
If the page is not (or no longer) available, I redirect them to the panel dashboard instead.
Let me rewrite that section in your more personal, conversational style:
Email notifications
I log changes and send regular email notifications to myself. Hereâs how it works:
The first part is a hook that runs whenever something changes in the Panel. It collects information about what happened, who did it and when. I store all of this in a changes
field that doesnât have any representation in the blueprint:
'hooks' => [
'*:after' => function ($event) {
$eventType = $event->type();
// Only process page and file events
if (!in_array($eventType, ['page', 'file'])) return;
$model = null;
// Get the page or file object
if ($eventType === 'page') {
$model = $event->arguments()['newPage'] ?? $event->arguments()['page'];
} elseif ($eventType === 'file') {
$model = $event->arguments()['newFile'] ?? $event->arguments()['file'];
// Get existing changes from site
$changes = $this->site()->changes()->yaml();
// Create new change entry
$currentChange = [
'time' => time(),
'user' => $this->user()->email(),
'model' => $model?->uuid()->toString() ?? null,
'action' => $event->action()
// Add new change to existing changes
$changes[] = $currentChange;
// Save updated changes
'changes' => Data::encode($changes, 'yaml')
Every hour, a cronjob visits a route that I set up. The route is protected by a simple token and collects all changes that happened, sends them via email and empties the changes field again:
'routes' => [
'pattern' => 'notify',
'action' => function () {
// Simple token authentication
if (get('token') !== 'mysupersecrettoken') {
// Check for pending changes
if (site()->changes()->isNotEmpty()) {
$changes = site()->changes()->toStructure();
try {
// Send email with changes
'from' => 'server@example.com',
'to' => 'me@example.com',
'subject' => 'Recent changes',
'template' => 'notification',
'data' => ['changes' => $changes]
// Clear changes
site()->save(['changes' => '']);
return Response::json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Email sent successfully'
} catch (Exception $error) {
return Response::json([
'success' => false,
'message' => $error->getMessage()
return Response::json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'No changes'
The template for these emails is also super simple. For each change, it shows who did what and when, with a direct link to the Panel:
// site/templates/emails/notification.php
use Kirby\Toolkit\Str;
foreach ($changes as $change) {
$model = null;
// Get the page or file object
if (Str::startsWith($change->model()->value(), 'page')) {
$model = $change->model()->toPage();
} elseif (Str::startsWith($change->model()->value(), 'file')) {
$model = $change->model()->toFile();
$modelUrl = $model ? $model->panel()->url() : $change->model()->value();
// Format the change entry
echo $change->user()->toUser()?->name() ?? 'Anonymous';
echo ', ';
echo date('d.m.Y H:i', $change->time()->value());
echo "\n";
echo ucfirst($change->action()) . ' ' . $modelUrl;
echo "\n\n";
I might extend this in the future to include more details about what exactly changed. But for now, this gives me exactly what I need: a regular overview of whatâs happening in my projects. The Panel links make it super easy to check the details when I need to.
This setup has been a game-changer for my project workflow. Clients get a clean, focused interface while I maintain full control. Clients are already getting used to the Kirby interface before I even write a single line of code. Once the content is ready, I can easily export it to the actual website project â itâs already in the right format.
Is it perfect? Definitely not. It already went through a lot of changes and Iâm sure there will be many more. But I feel very confident with this setup.
What do you think? Let me know on Mastodon.